Japan Society for Design Engineering |
Journal "Design Engineering" Vol.39,No.12 2004
Special Issue: Sharing and reuse of 3D Data on the Internet
Explanation Fundamentals of 3D Geometric Representation -Subdivision Surface Representation- Kenjiro T. MIURA 3D Geometry Compression on the Practical Stage Hiroshi MASUDA Extraction of Fingerprints of Free-Form Object Takeshi MAEKAWA Simulation of Task Movements Using 3D Motion Data Shigeru KURIYAMA Geometric Modeling to Reuse 3D Data Yoshiyuki FURUKAWA Explanation High Angle Active Link Equipment Keisuke SONE
Hiroshi ISOBEPaper Vibration and Damping Analysis of Laminated Shallow Shells with Damping Material (Comparison of the Complex Eigenvalue Method and the Strain Energy Method) Koji SEKINE Propagating Wave on Shock Compaction Process in Metal Powder Medium (3rd Report: Frictional Effect on Two Laminar Arrangement with Different Initial Densities) Koji TOKUSHIMA
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