Japan Society for Design Engineering |
Journal "Design Engineering" Vol.38,No.12 2003
Special Issue: Latest Trends in CFC-free Heat Pump (2)
Explanation Heat Driven Type Compact Metal Hydride Refrigerator BAE Sang-Chul
Masafumi KATSUTA1 TStirling Cooler Hiroshi SEKIYA 8 The Non-Fluorocarbon Refrigerator Hideharu HATANAKA 15 Technical Activity of the Absorption Heat Pump using the Alcohol Refrigerant Atushi TSUJIMORI
Masashi KATO19 Explanation Turning Math-based Engineering Knowledge into a Corporate Asset Kiyoshi SHIKAKURA 25 Paper Requirement Difinition Confirmation Model for the Engineering Process Decomposition Toshihiko NAKAZAWA 29 Propagating Wave on Shock Compaction Process in Metal Powder Medium
(2nd Report: Two Laminar Arrangement with High Initial Density Layer Placed on Side of Impact Punch)Koji TOKUSHIMA
Yukio SANO39 A Study on the Disassembly-Oriented Design
(1stReport : Disassembly Analysis of Industrial Products and Proposal for the Disassembly-Oriented Design)Hiroshi ONODA
Katsuya NAGATA
Makoto NOTOMI46
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