Japan Society for Design Engineering |
Journal "Design Engineering" Vol.38,No.4 2003
Special Issue: Universal Design
Explanation Universal Design and Usability Masaaki KUROSU 1 Universal Design of Web Hideo HAMADA 9 Universal Design in Home Appliances, IT Products and Public Equipment (Introduction of Universal Design Activities in Toshiba) Keiichiro KAWARABAYASHI
Masaaki SAKAI16 Design and Evaluation of the Universal Design in Office Supplies Development Hirofumi IWATSU 22 Universal Design Solution Akira NAKAGAWA 29 Series: Recent Educational State of Design, Drawing and Making Things(From North and South)(21)
Educational Example of Design, Drawing and Creating Objects at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Toyo University (Projection Drawing Practice by Making the Model of Paper) Yasuo KOBAYASHI 36 Paper Development of a Robust Areal Profiling Instrument with Plane Datum (1st Report, Measurement Principle and Performance of an Experimental Apparatus) Kazuhito TOGAWA
Teruaki SAITO
Tadashi KUROZO
Kazuhisa YANAGI40 Variable Impedance Control Based on Estimation of Human Arm Stiffness for Human-Robot Cooperative Task(Human-Robot Cooperative Calligraphic Task) Toru TSUMIGIWA
Kei HARA45
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