Japan Society for Design Engineering |
Journal "Design Engineering" Vol.37,No.12 2002
Essay One Proposal for the Education of Information Technology Sachio SAKAI 1 Special Issue: Recent Technology for the Effective Utilization of Energy with Cogeneration System(1)
Explanation Recent Cogeneration Technology and Its Planning Method Koichi ITO 7 Optimal Configuration of Co-generation Systems to Minimize Primary Energy Consumption Atsushi AKISAWA 12 Co-Generation System with Natural Working Fluid Yoshiharu AMANO 17 Chemically Recuperated Gas Turbine Cogeneration System Takao NAKAGAKIO 24 Series: Design Transition(22)
Explanation Design Transition of Steering Masahiko NOGUCHI 30 Series: Recent Educational State of Design, Drawing and Making Things(From North and South)(20)
Explanation New Approach to an Education for Mechanical Design and Drawing at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Meiji University Mitsuo NOTOMI 34 Paper Approximate Equation of Frictional Force in Wire Rope Kazuo KOBAYASHI
Motoharu TANEDA38 Propagating Wave on Shock Compaction Process in Metal Powder Medium Koji TOKUSHIMA
Yukio SANO46 Shock Absorbing Design of Spherical Bearings and Ball Joints Toshiharu KAZAMA
Mizue HIRATA53
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