Japan Society for Design Engineering |
Journal "Design Engineering" Vol.37,No.6 2002
Series: Handmade Experimental and Educational Apparatus
Explanation Handmade Experimental Apparatus for Combustion Research Masahiko YOSHINO 1 Application for Paper Lamination Technology Shuhei TAKAHASHI 7 Power Elecrtonics and Lab-Made Experimental Setup Akira CHIBA 15 Designed and Manufactured Experimental Machines by Students Hitoshi SUWABE 20 Handmade Experimental Equipments for Railway Vehicles Research and Education Masayuki MITAMOTO 25 Flow Visualization and Handmade Experimental Apparatus for the Prosthetic Heart Valve Testing Toshinosuke AKUTSU 31 Construction of Tunable Diode Laser System Shuichi HASEGAWA 40 Series: Design Transition(18)
Explanation Technology Transition of Light-powered Watch Tomomi MURAKAMI 45 Paper Acoustic Emission in Tooth Surface Failure Process of Ground Thermal Refined Gear Hirofumi SENTOKU
Kousuke TATEGAMI51 Educational Data Some Approaches to Improve Educational Method for the Lectures on "Design of Machine Elements" and "Introduction to Mechanical Engineering" Seizo UEMATSU 53
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